天麗國際 Sky Beauteous International Co.

E+MedplusEssential Ampoules 原液精華Anti-aging / Anti-wrinkle 抗衰老/抗皺酪梨萃取液 S-462 Avocado Extract


有效修護乾燥受損肌膚,令細胞再生,達至修護及保濕滋潤效果。 有益於皮膚炎、淡化黑斑、消除皺紋。

Effective repair dry and damaged skin, cell regeneration, to repairing and moisturizing effect. Beneficial to the skin, fade dark spots, eliminate wrinkles.


有效修護乾燥受損肌膚,令細胞再生,達至修護及保濕滋潤效果。 有益於皮膚炎、淡化黑斑、消除皺紋。

Effective repair dry and damaged skin, cell regeneration, to repairing and moisturizing effect. Beneficial to the skin, fade dark spots, eliminate wrinkles.

Sky Beauteous International Company All rights reserved 2019.